Distributed Computing Blast ...
High performance BLAST implementation adapted to run in Spark clusters.
The Genomics team assists in the development of cultivars with superior quality through practical application of high throughput sequencing and genotyping technologies. By staying at the forefront of technological developments in these fields, the team is able to recommend the most promising technologies for application by our shareholders and use them in projects for our customers. We leverage our expertise in molecular and computational biology to make further advancements for improved application in breeding.
The Bioinformatics team applies state of the art information technology in research projects for our customers. We combine our expertise in the fields of molecular biology, information technology, statistics and programming to support genetic marker development, gene discovery, breeding for complex traits and identify lead genes for trait improvement via classical or novel breeding technologies. Visualization of vast amounts of data is an important aspect of our work, as this helps our scientists and customers to use the results of research projects to improve crops.
The Genetics and Breeding team contributes to the advancement of the breeding programs of our customers through developing and implementing marker-assisted breeding tools. The team’s scientists provide advice on experimental design of breeding programs for multiple complex traits, including phenotyping design and data analysis. The team also performs advanced statistical genetic analysis and facilitates the integration of these results in breeding programs. Our research leads to the identification of the best individuals based on their phenotypic and genomic composition.
The Software Development team develops databases and software tools to use genome sequence data, visualize genetic relationships, perform SNP discovery, analyze gene-expression data and support breeding data management. CROPaware, Genetwister’s flagship software engine, is used to integrate public and proprietary crop sequence data, making them accessible to extract genome information used by breeders. LEAFY is our advanced Lead Discovery engine used to identify target genes for trait improvement via mutation breeding or genome editing.
We are an innovative Dutch biotechnology company with an international position in commercially applied biotechnology of agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plants. Genetwister is your reliable partner to accelerate the breeding of your crop.
Genetwister works to provide cutting edge technologies to five breeding companies to strengthen their leading positions in the field.